Some questions about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Some questions about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as it relates to a more comprehensive picture of aid and development efforts What does assistance look like from the recipient’s perspective? In 2012, MSF published In The Eyes of Others:  How People in Crisis Perceive Humanitarian Aid, edited by Caroline Abu-Sada.  I have used selected chapters from this book in my classes in recent years and it is recommended reading for all students in our Periclean Scholars program.  In the very last chapter author Antonio Donini states, “Humanitarianism started off as a powerful discourse; now it is a discourse of power, both at the international and community level (p. 190).” Indeed.  At play is the control and flow of resources, both human and material, inexorably complicated by cultural (mis)understandings and (mis)perceptions. It might be useful to revisit the question of what comprises the aid and development sector from a more comprehensive “in the eyes … Continue reading Some questions about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)